Home > Power Tool Accessories for Wood, Metal And Concrete Construction > Pearl Abrasive > Hexplate Floor Preparation System > 15" Hexplates™ with Superclutch™ for 17" or 18" Buffers > Pearl Abrasive HEX1712BCLT 15" plate with clutch and 12 blue diamond pins (hard bonded)

Home > Search By Application > Metalworking > Pearl Abrasive > Hexplate Floor Preparation System > 15" Hexplates™ with Superclutch™ for 17" or 18" Buffers > Pearl Abrasive HEX1712BCLT 15" plate with clutch and 12 blue diamond pins (hard bonded)

Pearl Abrasive HEX1712BCLT 15" plate with clutch and 12 blue diamond pins (hard bonded)

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