Building with Cold-Formed Steel? You Need Versatility!
Why? Well...VersaPin®’s one tool (VersaPin® ST4200 Pin Nailer) and its versatile number of fasteners cover multiple applications to cold formed steel. This allows you to bid more and more of the work that’s out there on each and every job site! VersaPin®’s speed and durability save Time...Money...and Manpower!
Benefits of VersaPin® Fasteners:
For Use With: Aerosmith ST4200 VersaPin Nailer
Primary Applications: Hardie Plank and Plywood Sheathing
Covers a wide range of applications; cuts cost and submittal times
Patented designs 'meet/exceed' performance of screws; improves quality – few callbacks
Superior performance in thin, high tensile steel; improves productivity and wins more bids!
Collated to fit other tool brands; cuts user tool cost/investment; opens wider range of applications and cuts your tool costs
Simply Faster...Simply Better!
Made in the U.S.A.How it works?
Today's contractors are looking for faster, better, money saving products allowing them to be more competitive in today's challenging market place. Aerosmith's line of innovative fasteners do just that. With Aerosmith, predrilled holes and time-consuming screwing are a thing of the past. All Aerosmith pins are made with heat treated steel with a ballistic point which allows the point to penetrate the steel cleanly and quickly for installations 7-10 times faster than conventional methods. The force of friction creates the bond between the steel and the fastener for maximum holding power.